emin's workshop

place where I take care of all my projects. Take a seat 🪑.

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📟 About

struct EminGrbo {
    let country: Location = 🇳🇴
    let age: Validity = 37
    let uxDesign: Expertise = >10
    let iOSDev: Expertise = 5
    let employment: Career = TIDAL
    let plan: Future = indie


jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug
300 350 400 400 450 500 550 230

Current Project

Language Learning Dragon, Bily

Bily is a bilingual bearded dragon with a flair for personal development. It’s take on the language learning is such where you are not supplied with ready-made word packs which you need to learn, but puts YOU in the driver seat and lets you define your vocabulary.

Capture words that matter to you by adding words from your surroundings, making your language learning more relevant.

Strengthen your memory with custom flashcards, wordlists and phrases. At your own pace, without streaks or achievements.

Started posting updates as a video blog on X (https://x.com/emin_ui/status/1831724037774438525)



How an Egg Timer App got me every job

Website A battle plan for junior devs, this book is guaranteed to increase your chances of landing your first (or 5th) job. It has singlehandadely allowed me to cruise through numerous job interviews and continues to do this to this day. I poured all my knowledge tips and tricks into this 100page book.





AppStore C.H.I.P. - Chatty Helping & Informational Pal, is my take on AI assistants. It is exceedingly simple and good looking app (at least I think so), that gets the job done with 0 ads. It allows un-paid users to fully use the app, with occasional popup for a paid version (a man has got to eat).

MRR Contribution: 80%



AppStore unsafe - An app primarily made for the watch, later ported to iOS due to high demand. It allows you to “break” the lock using vibrations, reminiscent of safe-breaking movies from the past.

I was fortunate to be featured on several app review sites, and it even blew up on Reddit one weekend, allowing me to earn over $3,000 in just 2 days!

MRR Contribution: 10%


Runny egg

AppStore My first app has brought me numerous job offers and serves as the inspiration for a book I’m writing (more on that below). This project holds a special place in my heart.

Though it’s a simple egg timer app, it harbors more secrets than it may appear.

It was featured in https://www.appiconbook.com (iOS variant)

MRR Contribution: 0%
Lovely Contribution: 100♥️


Retro Boi

AppStore A nostalgic sticker pack. Mainly wanted to see how stickerpacks work, but also extremely in love with the old Macintosh design and I needed to channel that 😅.

MRR Contribution: 0%



AppStore SwiftUI view database, which can provide you with a code for a swiftui view in a single tap. Open-sourced.

MRR Contribution: 0%



AppStore My take on a budgeting app, which provides you with a daily carry-over budget, allowing for more controll over your spending.

MRR Contribution: <5%